VEGO Consult provides full support at all stages of trademark registration in Germany.
We carry out the following steps to register your trademark:
- Evaluation and verification of trademark uniqueness proposed by customer with respect to the existing German trademarks in dataROOT . DSs and closed registries through German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) and European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
- Weighing the rate of a positive registration outcome in case of similar existing trademarks.
- Processing of documents, filing of a trademark registration application within trademark register and trademark registration.
- Obtainment of a certificate of registered trademark.
We carefully weigh the risks and analyze the activity areas of our customers and only then we recommend candidate for this position with corresponding experience, skills and education.
To learn more or to order this service, contact us by the following phone number: +4989 9982804-50 or leave a request through the feedback form.
+4989 9982804-50